A combination of ear acupuncture and body acupuncture can help dealing with overweight. By reducing the hunger and balancing the digestive system, acupuncture is a good tool to be used during diet and for people seeking to loose weight.
Pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen are often linked to gallbladder dysfunction. When chronic pain occurs in these area, acupuncture treatment can avoid the condition to evolve toward acute gallbladder inflammation and gallbladder stones.
Nausea, indigestion and motion sickness are often due to an accumulation of stagnant water in the digestive tract. Acupuncture regulates the fluids in the body and can help the return to normal digestive function.
Hemorrhoids are usually due to the congestion of the blood in the portal system that returns from the intestines to the liver. Acupuncture moxa and shiatsu help a smooth blood flow in the lower abdomen and free up the area. Usually hemorrhoids come in combination with other problems like liver imbalance, constipation… Also specific point are used for rectal bleeding. In case of occult bleeding ( dark blood ) in the stools, a medical examination is required to determine which part of the digestive system is bleeding and can sometimes be a medical emergency.
Acupuncture with adjustment of the nutrition can help reduce the chronic inflammation of the intestines.