Another kind of excruciating pain are the bladder and gallbladder stones. Theses pathologies of course require medical supervision, especially if there is fever. But acupuncture is an excellent tool to reduce the pain and prevent another painful episode.
Viral infection by herpes zoister brings excruciating pain , usually in the side of the abdomen or chest or in the neck. Acupuncture help relieving the pain of the damaged intercostal nerves , either by treating the affected side or the opposite side.
If treated from the beginning of the affection, the acupuncture help the good circulation of the fluids in the eye and the good nourishment of the eye by the blood. Usually the evolution of the condition toward the damage of the optical nerve can be slowed down or stopped.
Acupuncture and moxa help treat the inflammation, and activate the healing process. Specific protocol can balance the immune system and the congestion of the lymph. Therefore acute tonsillitis doesn’t become chronic and avoid removal of the tonsils. Food that brings a lot of dampness in the body and participate in the congestion of the lymph flow should also be avoid ( milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, banana, white flour … )
Inflammatory process:
They often comes from overuse, accumulation of toxins and imbalance of the immune/anti-inflammatory functions of the body. Acupuncture and shiatsu are very effective not only in relieving the immediate pain and inflammation, but also in determining the origin of the inflammation especially when it is recurring and becomes chronic. Understanding the origin of the problem helps in changing habits and nutrition to avoid these chronic conditions.
Trigger finger
Acupuncture can in certain cases cure the blockage of the finger, especially when recent. Or when surgery has been done, the treatment helps preventing the symptom to come back.
Inflammation of the joint from natural wearing of the joints, by autoimmune process or rheumatoid process can bring intense pain, with heat, swollen and sometimes deformed articulations. Most of the time it reflect the internal condition of the body and tissues. The Japanese approach to the treatment in a first step, treat the underlying condition and balance of the organs, then have specific strategies of treatment for the different area of the body ( knee, shoulder, hand, hip, back, neck ….) .
The anti-inflammatory effect of the acupuncture combined with techniques that balance the immune system and the immune response of the body, helps the patients to live with those difficult condition with much less pain and discomfort, even sometimes being able to forget about it.